
A kid in a full grown body or a over-matured in a young adult?

Monday, February 13, 2006

Stupid Mutton Soup!

Last Friday taken the mutton soup from Tuas chicken rich stall, left me in a extreme miserable state now. The effect was too fast for me to react, it’s so heaty that it causes some cracking lines in my mouth later transform to a super gigantic ulcer *OUCH*…beside that…on the outer surface, a volcano pop is coming out….*arrghhh*….ultimate PAIN!!!….dun even feel like talking as it hurt whenever I make any facial expression.
The stupid mutton soup is affecting my life and mood even though tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! Hmm…dehydration, tiredness and insufficient sleep is also factors of my serious condition. Hopefully drowning myself with herbal drinks and applying non-stop medicated creams will help to improve everything. *pray*


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