We make it!!! Manage to arrange 6 of us to city square tdy!! With alot of planning,co-ordination & determination;rick, sk & me finally make it, most amazing is we each bring alot a buddy/partner with us and 6 of us happily got to do what we wanted.
rick, sk & her zhen do their hair, ting & rick-zhen manage to shop & buy clothings and me..lolx... brought a levi for pork, help my sis to buy 'branded' cny goodies and trim my eyebrow!! Oh ya,and help sk to buy a dvd for her kid and manage to get a lobang for ah goat too!!! our cars are also well-feed with golden juices and 2-open packs ciga for mike.
Happy ending with alot of efforts done!. PPl involve: mike for sending us to rick place, rick sending me and sk to pick car, rick fetching r-zhen while we fetch zhen and poor ting got to take a bus herself as her timing is not rite. And all of us manage to reach about e same time, do our stuffs and home sweet home, expt for sk cos she stay too far and got to take a cab back. keke....